Taylor Money
An asset for life
Website redesign
Website re-platform
Brand identity evolution
Marketing materials
Recently celebrating their 35th birthday, Taylor Money are a boutique Wealth Management firm, with family and their clients at its heart, providing a bespoke service for high-net-worth individuals seeking custodianship of their financial interests.
Our challenge?
Taylor Money had spent many years building a team and culture to deliver the very best in wealth management service, and recently sharpened their proposition.
Their business plan set out lofty ambitions, requiring them to attract more clients with £1m+ of investable assets. To achieve this, they arrived at the conclusion that they needed a more modern and dynamic website that would imbue prospective clients with clarity of their re-focused proposition.
The voice of the consumer
During our consumer-first Discovery phase, insights about the target audience that led us to the right design direction highlighted that elements of the brand's visual language didn't match up to the needs, desires & persuasions of the people with whom we were aiming to create connections and engage.
Furthermore, their competitors had brand languages that spoke more closely to who we understood the target audience to be. This drove us to push further beyond the brief to ensure that what we delivered was going to add the most value and enable them to achieve their objectives.
Change is uncomfortable, particularly when you have over 35 years of heritage. Though the client was understandably hesitant about changing their visual style, we asked the right strategic questions and used audience insight to build trust and reassurance in a new direction.
Our brand design foundation meant we were perfectly placed to lead a collaborative re-appraisal of the brand's core visual assets, providing a consumer-focused foundation for a design style that would become the new direction for the website and other brand communications. Encompassing the use of colour, typography, graphics and imagery, this enables the messaging and visuals to speak to higher-net-worth individuals in a way that not only conveys their service proposition and their culture but one that demonstrates the passion, commitment and intelligence that Taylor Money pours into every client relationship.
Moving away from illustration and adopting photography, we established an art direction and a clear purpose & objective for the images. Another feature of the new design language is a spirograph-style watermark, inspired by the watermark graphics found on paper currency.
They are now proud to showcase taylormoney.com to clients and prospects. Not only does it deliver a more focused & compelling proposition, but it is faster & easier to use and more flexible to grow with them.